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Ultrasound Airborne & Structure Borne Analysis

Ultrasound: the versatile technique with multiple applications that immediately creates cost savings.

Thanks to the directionality of the ultrasound beam generated by the turbulence created by leaks in the systems or electrical lines or by friction that arises in poorly lubricated machines, the technician can “listen” to the machines and understand their state of health.

  • pressurised fluid lines (e.g. compressed air systems);
  • condensate drains and steam line components;
  • plants and vacuum lines;
  • MV switchboards and segregated electrical components;
  • segregated transformers and AT/MT sub-stations;
  • bearings and lubrication;
  • …and much more.

This technique is applied to operating systems and can be of two types: “airborne” or “structure-borne”, i.e. at a distance or in contact.
It has been used for decades for the diagnosis of different types of components, especially in industrial settings.

  • Ultrasound analysis for immediate cost savings, where ROI is only a few months.

The speed of inspection and efficiency is astonishing when we talk about research:

  • leaks from compressed air and gas pressure lines;
  • leaks from lines and systems on the machine;
  • leaks from vacuum systems;
  • losses, leaks and faults in installations and steam lines (valves, condensate drains, etc.).

The result obtained will be such as to justify the investment for the cost of periodic inspection: an accurate report, with clear indication of anomalous points, will guide maintenance activities and the priority of repair.

Leaks in vacuum systems

Finding leaks in vacuum systems is a slightly different search because the turbulence is generated inside the pipes and systems, not outside.

For vacuum, therefore, the common sensors used for compressed air leaks cannot be used, but specific accessories, designed for this precise purpose, are needed.

The CFM probe “Closed Focus Module” from UE System is our secret weapon to control vacuum systems.

Thanks to the extreme sensitivity of the CFM module, the technician, passing very close to all parts of the system with possible leakage, is able to perceive in the headset every smallest hiss due to the vacuum loss and the consequent “suction”, directing maintenance activities.

“Airborne” ultrasounds is the most effective method to control AT/MT substations, together with thermography

  • Ultrasound to check segregated electrical installations and for defects not detectable with infrared thermography: safety first of all.

We can in this way discover:

  • Corona effect: “airborne” ultrasounds are the fastest and most effective way to “hear” the presence of the most common partial discharges in HV installations;
  • “tracking”: the first really serious anomaly that occurs in HV and MV systems;
  • electric arcs: in this case ultrasounds enable the analysis of this extremely risky phenomenon for systems and technicians by keeping a suitable safety distance;
  • loose connections, in support of thermographic technique or where thermography cannot see;
  • loose windings in transformers: even this anomaly, which can cause problems in the long run, can be detected with ultrasound;
  • much more…

Structure borne ultrasounds is the most effective method to control leakages in valves, condensate drains, sliding bearings…and much more…

  • Structure borne ultrasound for mechanical applications: lubrication, bearings, seals and valves.

In this way we can control with the magnetic module or with the tip:

  • the lubrication condition of the bearings, especially during periodic hand-pump operation;
  • the damage condition of the bearings, both as an absolute measure and in comparison with similar bearings;
  • Damaged seals in hydraulic cylinders: the magnificent sensor positioned on the cylinder sleeve makes it possible to immediately perceive any excessive friction and compare various stems;
  • plain bearings: to work well they must give a clean ultrasonic map;
  • Drawing valves: with the ABCD method you can find out whether the valve is closed correctly or not;
  • Damaged condensate drains: in combination with thermography, the use of ultrasound allows to quickly and accurately determine which and how many condensate drains are malfunctioning;
  • much more…

For a fast ROI we recommend inspection at least quarterly, especially for compressed air lines, pressurized technical gases and condensate drains in steam lines.

DarkWave Thermo S.r.l.

+39 331 3485866
+39 347 9272219
Via Mantova, 15-21 – 25123 Brescia – Italy

DarkWave Thermo Schweiz KLG

+41 796 111695
Furlängeweg, 655 - 5325 Leibstadt - Switzerland
