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  • Multi Technical – Industry

Multi-technology Industry: the global approach.

We can maintain the best value for money in the market for three reasons: our Multi-Technical approach, our lean and flexible structure, and our state-of-the-art equipment.

The revolutionary Motion Amplification®

The incredible new technique to “visualize” vibrations and intervene with precision.

Limitless Thermographic Analysis

Thermography has no secrets for us, whatever the application.

Thermography in Distinct Heating

We specialise in the analysis of district heating systems:
over 1000 km of pipes annually inspected throughout Italy.

Vibration analysis and shock pulse

Vibration analysis, shock pulse, and dynamic balancing.

Precision laser alignment of shafts

Precision alignment is the first step to maximise bearing life.

Fixed installations vibration analysis and Shock pulse industry 4.0

Continuous controls with advanced systems and IoT.

Ultrasound analysis Airborne and “Structure borne”

Save compressed air, control segregated MV switchboards and much more.

Motor Testing MCA & ESA

Analysis techniques to check the health of motors and drives on site.

Partial Discharge Analisi

The Partial Discharge analysis is the ideal solution to check MV switchboards in operation.

Certified Thermography courses

We are Partners of ITC – Infrared Training Center, the “Number One” International School of Thermography in the World.

We are waiting for you in the fantastic and incredible world of Motion Amplification™!

DarkWave Thermo S.r.l.

+39 331 3485866
+39 347 9272219
Via Mantova, 15-21 – 25123 Brescia – Italy

DarkWave Thermo Schweiz KLG

+41 796 111695
Furlängeweg, 655 - 5325 Leibstadt - Switzerland
